Wynn Parry


The National President

Wynn Parry

2024- 2025

I am absolutely delighted, humbled and honoured to have been elected as the National President for our great association.

The last few years have been difficult for all member associations, and there will be members who are reluctant to meet physically, we must do all we can to make them still feel part of 41 Club.

During this year there will be a full review of our Association, our structure, rules, procedures, policies and standing orders. The outcome of this review will help us shape our Association’s future. The report will be presented to your National Council in October and will be distributed to ALL members before the end of the Calendar year, for review and comments. All recommendations identified will be fully documented and where applicable will be submitted as propositions to next year’s AGM. This review is of huge importance to our Association, it will be undertaken diligently and without prejudice, the outcomes will provide us with an Association suitable and relevant for the times in which we now live.

“Your Opinion Counts”, as members of our great Association you need to make your opinion known. National Council will listen to what you have to say, it doesn’t matter whether you’re the newest member of the newest Club or a Past President, you must have an Opinion about our Association. We are all equally responsible for defining the future of our Association so speak up.

I believe that moving forward 41 Club must adopt a 3 way strategy, membership retention, member attraction and growth:

Firstly, retention, we must not forget our current members, we need to understand and assess who we are as an association and where we fit into today’s society.

I encourage and support joint meetings between clubs. Invite your neighbouring clubs to join you for an evening of fellowship. We may know a member who is struggling with Mental Health or loneliness issues and whilst we do have the buddies and wellbeing groups, a quick phone call from you can do more than you can imagine and encourage them to attend meetings again.

Secondly, member attraction, being a 41er is about you and me being loud and proud about being a member of this great Association.  To attract new members to a Club we must have a defined, interesting and diverse programme of events. We need to raise our profile in our communities.

Thirdly, growth, only by reviewing and understanding who we are as an Association, and retaining our current membership will we then be able to attract new members from both Round Table and from the wider community resulting in our growth. We must work together to ensure the future of our Association is going in the right direction for the times in which we now live. Please always remember this is a fun and fellowship Association.

Increasing Membership is always a high priority for our Association. We have the XRT initiative, which is now gathering momentum and resulting in more Round Tablers joining our Association. During this coming year, we will be holding regional membership roadshows. I encourage you to attend the one nearest to you details to follow. We as an Association are not used to recruiting members, we did it in Round Table, but we haven’t done it in 41 Club, we need to start now.

I look forward to meeting as many of you as possible to share fun and fellowship.



National Presidents Charity

The President is proud to support MNDA and My Name5 Doddie



If you are unable to contact the a board member for any reason - please contact our Administration Team at Marchesi House. Tel: 0121 456 4402 or Email: admin@41club.org. They will do their best to help or pass your query onto someone who can.

Marchesi House is open 09:00 to 17:00 Monday to Friday. Closed on Public Holidays.

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