Induction Of a New Member

The Induction should be carried out by the Club Chairman/President, however, should a National Councillor or a member of the National Board be present – it is usually courteous to invite him to carry out the ceremony.

The Club should ensure that a new 41 Club badge is available for the ceremony. At an appropriate time, the new member should stand next to the Chairman/President carrying out the ceremony which should take place using the words below:

“Gentlemen please rise [Name] you have been invited to be received into membership of [name of club] which is part of the National Association of Ex-Round Tablers Clubs.

Your acceptance of membership carries with it an obligation to uphold the Purposes and Objects of our Association which reflect the ideals expected of you as a member of the Round Table movement.

The Purposes and Objects of 41 Club are: 1. To continue to promote opportunities for fellowship amongst former members of Round Table. 2. To encourage active involvement in the Community. 3. To use our experience in support of the Round Table Family. 4. To encourage international relationships.

Do you accept this obligation? [Response: Yes – I do]. Then in the name of our Association and of [name of Club] I welcome you into our fellowship. The presentation of this badge [place badge on suit lapel] is now a symbol of your connection with a world-wide Association of thousands of like-minded men.

Wear this badge at all times, and remember as you wear it, that you carry the good repute of 41 Club into all that you do - for this Association is judged by those who recognise you as a member.

Fellow members, I commend [Name] to you and ask you to drink a toast to him and remind you that the obligation he has accepted today is an obligation of which you should be equally mindful, for it binds you together in lifelong fellowship.” After the toast members of the Club should applaud, and the new member may feel it appropriate to say a few words.

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