41 Club International

Fun and Friendship Further Afield

41 Club International

One of the Purposes and Objects of 41 Club Great Britain & Ireland (GB&I) is “To encourage international relationships” so if you’ve never been involved before, why not take the plunge.

41 INTERNATIONAL is a worldwide organisation with over 30,000 members from 33 countries around the world and if you want to know more visit the 41 Club International web site. 

Annual General Meeting

Each year, 41 INTERNATIONAL has an Annual General Meeting and Half Yearly Meeting in 1 of the member countries. 41ers, together with wives/ partners, from 41 Club GB&I are always 1 of the largest groups going along so why not join in.

Last year we organised the AGM in Stratford upon Avon where our very own Barry Durman became 41 INTERNATIONAL President 2023.

These meetings are great fun, so why not  come along and give it a try – this year’s AGM is in Marrakesh with the HYM in Bern, Switzerland

The HYM was in Cyprus and as usual there was a big crowd from GB&I. 

Of course, a lot of 41 Clubs enjoy international friendships with other Clubs from abroad which have been going on for years.

This year, Market Harborough 41 Club celebrate their 60th Anniversary of twinning with Halle, a city on the Flemish side of the language border that separates Flanders and Wallonia. So, the main language that 41ers and Round Tablers from Halle speak is Flemish - thank goodness they also speak English!!

Check out more details on the Halle twinning here

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Market Harborough 41 Club

London Old Tablers Society (LOTS) go along to the European Capital Meeting every year to meet up with 41ers from other European capitals – the 2023 meeting was in Luxembourg and the 2024 get together is in Copenhagen.

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The annual Transmanche visit to France is a great day out and the latest get together was hosted by Calais 41 Club. 3 Clubs from Region 25 (South East) ventured across the Channel to meet up with 14 Clubs from France, most of the French National Board and the Immediate Past President from Belgium 41 Club. We aren’t sure who the 2 taller gentlemen in the picture are but check out this PDF for more photographs of the day.


We always get a large group of intrepid travellers from GB&I going to the 41 INTERNATIONAL AGM and Half Yearly Meetings and the 2021 41 INTERNATIONAL AGM in Verona was no exception.

And then Covid struck!!

The travel restrictions imposed during 2020 and 2021 meant that very few of us actually went to the beautiful city of Verona in Italy for the 2021 AGM.

As well as missing the opportunity to visit Verona, we also didn’t see the history of 41 INTERNATIONAL from its inauguration in 1975 all the way up to the present day (of 2021) unfold before our eyes.

We have managed to get hold of the presentation about 41 INTERNATIONAL prepared by Luca Colombo (the 41 INTERNATIONAL President 2021 -22) for the Verona AGM.

Take a look through it and see how 41 INTERNATIONAL has evolved over the years; all the major Community work that the organisation has undertaken and, if you’ve never been to a 41 INTERNATIONAL event, the fun and friendship you are missing out on.

You might even recognise some of the people in the photographs!!

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If your Club has a twinning arrangement tell us about it – we are keen to celebrate our international friendships. Simply email some words and photographs of your twinning to content@41club.co.uk and we will publish it.  

But there is a serious side to 41INTERNATIONAL as well and you can help…..

German Christmas Parcel Convoy

Volunteer to join the Convoy. School children in Germany pack a gift for another child and then the Round Table family take the Christmas gifts to orphanages, hospitals, institutions for the disabled, kindergartens and schools in the poorest, most remote, and rural regions of Eastern Europe.

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YAP 2023

Young Ambassadors Programme 

YAP has been running for many years in 41 International and a couple of years ago we decided we were missing out on the fun and joined in. Check the YAP website for you to find out more 

If you have a relative between 18 and 24 who wants the travel experience of a lifetime, get them to apply to become a Young Ambassador or if you want to help in hosting visitors to GB&I just let Andy Ventress (YAP@41Club.org) know.

The House of Hope

The House of Hope was a derelict hospital in Moldova which, with the help of the Round Table Family in Moldova, Germany Holland, GB&I and 41 Club INTERNATIONAL has been transformed into a home for refugees from Ukraine.

From being a derelict building, the House of Hope can now accommodate around 350 refugees in 35 Rooms and almost 4,000 refugees have, to date, registered at the House with some moving directly on to Germany after their arrival.

And there is still so much more to do ….

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Here is a monthly update about the progress being made by the House of Hope, not only at the House, but also across Ukraine. You can see how vitally important the support being provided by the Round Table Family is to so many people.

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