The History of 41 Club

How It All Began


John Shuter
The First National President

The Early Years

After Louis Marchesi founded the first Round Table on 14th March 1927, another club popped up in Portsmouth the next year. Soon, Round Table clubs were sprouting up across the UK, Ireland, and worldwide.

Seven years after Liverpool Round Table kicked off in 1928, members who had retired found Round Table life so enjoyable that they continued as honorary members. In 1936, these honorary members formed the first 41 Club. Other ex-Tablers from

Formation of a National Association

After the war ended in 1945, four clubs gathered in Wakefield and formed  'The National Association of Ex-Tablers'; Clubs'. Their goal was to connect all clubs formed by ex-Tablers to maintain the friendships forged in Round Table.

Liverpool 41 Club was expected to provide the first President, but John Shuter, representing London Old Tablers’ Society, was elected instead, recognising his efforts in promoting the new Association.

Following the 1947 National 41 Club Conference in Blackpool, Wakefield 41 Club proposed adopting the motto "May the Hinges of Friendship Never Grow Rusty" which became part of 41 Club's tradition.

At the 1949 Bournemouth Conference, Eastbourne 41 Club introduced a logo and pin badge design featuring the Round Table motif with the Latin numeral XLI, causing a bit of controversy. Eventually, a new badge design was chosen, symbolising Ex-Tablers extending friendship worldwide.

In 1949, Wakefield 41 Club also produced the first Association magazine, evolving into today's glossy 'Link' magazine sent to all members.

Annual 41 Club Conferences and AGMs have become more professional over time but still retain the camaraderie and fun.

Modern Times

As Round Table grew post-war, so did the formation of 41 Clubs, not only in the UK but also in other countries where Round Table existed. This led to the creation of international organisations like '41 International' in 1975.

At the 1966 Llandudno Conference, Round Table presented 41 Club with a silver candelabra to symbolize the friendship between the two organisations over the years.

To celebrate its Diamond Jubilee in 2005, Round Table gifted 41 Club with a 'Friendship Torch' blessed at Birmingham Cathedral.

41 Club, formerly known as 'The National Association of Ex-Tablers’ Clubs', continues today, adapting to new times, with new clubs forming yearly, catering to ex-Tablers' and new members needs for continued friendship and community involvement.

"May the hinges of friendship never rust" remains a fitting motto for all members of 41 Club.

Take a look at some of the benefits of being in 41 Club Member

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