Supporting Parkinson Support Group

Parkinson Support Group

WhatsApp Image 2024-03-15 at 20.16.26

Alan presents a cheque to Lucy Jung December 2023

At a recent meeting, Alan Edwards told us about his personal experience of first learning the shocking news that he had Parkinson’s condition, then his long and difficult search for help and more information. More recently, he has had the chance to join 800 others to trial a small vibrating device which has greatly improved his quality of life.

The device was pioneered at Imperial College London by Lucy Jong as part of her MSc course and has then been further developed in partnership with Charco Neurotech.

All of us in Llangollen 41 Club were moved by Alan’s experience and wanted to assist the continued development and availability of the device.

In December, our local Parkinson Support Group held its Christmas Party and we were thrilled to hear that Lucy and some of her colleagues would attend. The ideal opportunity to make our donation.

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