Bedworth Nearly Food Bank Challenge

Bedworth Nearly 41Club Food Bank Challenge 2023

Bedworth 3

What a cracking start to 2023 culminating in our meeting at the Weston Hall Hotel in Bulkington on 12 January. The scene:

  • Our local food bank issues crisis warning – nowhere enough goodies coming in to satisfy massive demand
  • Our Nick Vassilissin leaps into action and issues the challenge, not only to us but also to local Round Tables and 41 Clubs
  • The rules – 4 members per team – the team contribute a minimum of £50 – no more rules but some very nice bottles of wine to the team that collects the most items
  • The local food bank issues its menu of needed items – mostly food and hygiene
  • Some believe the rules state pop down the shops and buy £50 of goods
  • Others believe the use of all forms of begging, corruption etc apply and approach local supermarkets, wholesalers etc – all are surprised by the kindness shown to this cause
  • The night arrives – 7 teams, 2 from Nuneaton Round Table and 5 from our own Club - a few beers and hearty plate of cottage pie – followed by a great presentation from Richard Fleming from the Nuneaton Food Bank
  • Then the presentation of achievements by all teams – some great stories – from the embarrassing delegation of responsibility to a wife to extremes of 50/50,000 items collected dependent upon how the corn flakes and baked beans are counted
  • Not only did we collect goods but we were also humbled to receive a massive £500 donation from the wholesaler Costco – add to this an extremely harsh Sergeant at Arms raising £60 – in total we were able to donate £560 to assist with the payment of overheads
  • The end result – between us our donation weighed in at 460.5 Kg plus the £560 cash
  • The winners:
    1. Us the members of 41 Club and Round Table - a great challenge and superb fellowship
    2. The Food Bank who are now able to help more in need

A massive thank you to all who participated and donated – an achievement to be really proud of

John C Barrett

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